
Thursday 24 June 2010

Internet ruins people. People ruin everything. Ergo MADNESS.

I kind of miss not having the internet (and I don't just mean for a couple of months whilst having router issues, I mean the prehistoric times when the internet didn't even exist). I sometimes wonder what I did with my time back then, and vaguely remember calling friends instead of leaving graffiti on their walls (although I sort of did that then too...) but although the internet has given us access to a world of information and given us the opportunity to reach out and touch numerous amounts of people, it's also enlightened us to the fact that:

People are freaking idiots.

I don't mean the ones who can't add, or the ones who never remember which way round the i and the e go, I mean people who put a profile picture of their eyes or them hiding behind a carefully placed box to cleverly convince people they're not fat. Bored housewives unleashed upon messageboards everywhere to be frustratingly obsessed with the acting/singing/dancing lustbunny that they will wear their typing fingers down to the bone to swear blind they feel nothing but parental love for. The serial blogging narcissists - oh, how the rays from their rear ends blind us from our computer screens!

I miss enjoying a film or a tv show without some imdb dickhead arguing about how the main character is gay. I miss discovering music the hard way and when comics and books really were an escape and not just a fashion statement. I miss when the things I loved weren't ruined by other people who I never would have been aware of without the open maw of the internet.

Ignorance was bliss, I just didn't know it at the time...