
Monday 14 December 2009

Friends, Romans, Geeks...

Welcome...big plans are in place for this blog. No longer need you wonder what I had for dinner last night, or what my opinions are on the burning issues of today (they range from the apathetic to the mildly awkward) or even of yesteryear (did secondary school ruin my grammar skills, or were it Buffy the Vampire Slayer?).

Everybody should have a blog. Think how much more exciting life would be if it imitated the blogging world! School children invading your public transport? Unfollow. Someone shortchanges you at a shop? Delete. Sadly, we live in a world where we actually have to deal with our problems, and reacting to situations with a long and heated monologue filled with rhetorical questions (plus an introduction and conclusion) is generally frowned upon.

So with this being an introduction to my own personal collection of monologues, here's a condensed and highly biased rundown of what the life of Count Jerkula is really like...

I quit smoking a month ago. I like the fact that I don't smell of smoke anymore, but hate that I can now smell everybody else. Ignorance really is bliss. Every so often I like to cook, and I promise myself that I'll do it more often but sadly lose motivation after a week or so...but still, never stop trying! I've tried going vegan a couple of times before and one day it will stick... I was raised on Buffy and now co-habit comfortably with Supernatural. Everytime I fill out my occupation on forms as "Administrator", I die a little on the inside. My favourite artist is a Detroit maestro by the name of Spencer Bell, who passed away in December of 2006 of adrenal cancer yet still continues to inspire people every day with his music and the fantastic tales from his family and friends (check out to meet your new hero!). My second favourite artist is myself, because I have no other source of publicity.


Aside from all that, my days are filled with working in an office, learning to drive, writing stories and doodling. Much, MUCH doodling. So stick around, and who knows what invaluable gems of wisdom might be found? Probably none, but we can pass the time with a tale or two anyway.


Anonymous said...

random thoughts on your blog:

1. never expected you to be a pink background kinda girl. ;D

2. Buffy doesn't ruin anyone's grammar... I hope ;-)

Buffy: "Speak English, not whatever they speak in... uhm..."
Giles: "England?"

3. I had no idea you were trying to go vegan. good luck with that! hope you succeed. my boyfriend has been trying the same thing for a while now, but he is really struggling with giving up cheese. :-/


Sam said...

yay more blogs! more blogs!

love you, you giant nanaface x

Lea Roy said...

Snootchy bootchies! Yeah the pink is a genuine effort on my part to embrace my feminine side. Plus it reminds me of candy floss, and who doesn't love candyfloss?
It's true that Buffy was at the forefront of 90s English learnin, kind of depressing now that kids are learning their sense of irony and metaphor from Hannah Montana and Witches of Waverley Place... Yep, just restarted the vegan living after a complete lapse in eating habits...good luck to your boyfriend! It's not the cheese I'm having problems with, but the availability of prepackaged vegetarian stuff that has traces milk or eggs vs the more time consuming but completely animal free food that I make myself. Keep on trucking tho, eh!

Samboy you big pile of knitted nana-ness!! xoxoxo